Kai Gourami

Kai pic (made with Picrew)

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  • Age: 22
  • Birthday: February 27
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 142lbs
  • Species: Betta Fish Seafarer
  • Magical Potential: A
  • Magic Category: Water
  • Magic Subcategory: Bubble Generation


Kai is the prince of Faunapia's eastern sea. Seeking fulfillment in life, Kai ran away from home in search of the most powerful Mage of all the realms. He arrived on Earth, found Kiki, and formed a Magical Contract with her. He acts a mentor to both Kiki and Forrest to help them use their magic.

Being a prince, he knows a lot about the Magical World, so he teaches Kiki a lot about the Realms and their important figures.


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