
  • Age: 20
  • Birthday: December 29
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight: 150lbs
  • Species: Artificial Familiar
  • Magical Potential: C
  • Magic Category: Non-elemental
  • Magic Subcategory: Shield Generation


Forrest is an MP3 player brought to life through Magical Contract by Kiki Cruz.

In his early life, Forrest was a coward and a doormat who was dragged into Kiki's shenanigans. After a year of living with her, he grew tired of Kiki's childish antics and tried to be more defiant towards her. However, he found himself falling for her immature, yet kind personality. Though he continued acting prickly and cold toward Kiki, he still cared about her. He would try to make her happy even if it involved something he didn't want to do.

Throughout Kiki's early adult life, she befriended and fell in love with more people. This made Forrest feel he was getting distant from her. He was jealous of Kiki's close friends and crushes at first. He soon realized that his love for Kiki would never result in anything. Forrest made a vow to protect, support, and serve Kiki as best as he can. Despite that, there's still a part of him that will never let go of the feelings he has for Kiki.


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