Composer: Hyadain
Original translation: EarthlyMaidenLita
Just hurry up, there's no time left
There's no time left for me to waste
More precious than anything, My Time
Someday it'll come to an end, My Life
Just hurry up, there's no time left
There's no time left for me to waste
I never stop rushing because I'm Quickman.
Hurry up!!
Just like a laser beam flying
Time will pass at the speed of light
I don't want to waste a single second of my time
Always look ahead to the future. Never look aside
No stopping for anything, full speed ahead!
If I did not meet you that day, baby
I would have kept speeding ahead, yeah
Ah, the hands of the clock on my wrist both have been stopped
I'm frozen and still. I'm shaking like a leaf
I have no choice; My feelings are out of control
This is not me at all
Just hurry up, there's no time left
There's no time left for me to waste
More precious than anything, My Time
Someday it'll come to an end, My Life
Just hurry up, there's no time left
There's no time left for me to waste
I never stop rushing because I'm Quickman.
Hurry up!!
Just like the clouds that roll in the sky
Time will pass slowly through the day
How many more seconds will pass 'til I see your face again?
Alone in my head, ticking constantly, I count them all
Seven eight oh two ten seconds exact
It wasn't supposed to be this way,
Where my life was going to go, yeah
Just like that light, piercing ahead in no time flat
Wanna dash ahead, forget about you, leave it all.
But I'm muddled, slowed down, why is that?
This is not me at all
Just hurry up, there's no time left
There's no time left for me to waste
More precious than anything, My Time
[How should I say this? I think love is a big waste of time.]
[Life is so short anyway, right? Why do I have to waste my time on someone else?]
[I want to do so many things, and work's finally starting to pick up for me.]
[To be honest, I think people who waste their time on love are losers.]
[Really, I'm not being jealous.]
But ever since the day I met you
I'm like a doll that has not been wound at all
System shutdown, I can't concentrate. You're the only thing that's on my mind now
Those nights used to feel so short
Now I can't rest, it feels like an eternity
I feel so dumb, look at me, I'm an idiot
This is not me at all!
Yeah, unlike the boomerangs in my hands
Time will not come back to me. Yeah
Ah, the hands of the clock on my wrist that have turned for me. They've been slowed down. Why is it like this? Tell me!
They've been messed up by a bug called "You"
This is not me at all
Just hurry up, there's no time left
There's no time left for me to waste
(Flashback, Flashback! How can I forget about you, baby?)
Just hurry up, there's no time left
There's no time left for me to waste
(Flashback, Flashback! You can give me the FLASH!)
The image of your face haunts me from the back of my memories.
(What is this pricking, pricking in my heart?)
Would it be easier if I forgot about you and never tried to look back?
(I know my feelings cannot ever reach you.)
Ah, the hands of the clock on my wrist both have been stopped
I'm frozen and still. I'm shaking like a leaf
I have no choice; My feelings are out of control
This is not me at all
Looking back at that moment in time of when we first met,
(Why is there throbbing, throbbing in my wounds?)
I realize I threw some harsh words at you back then; I know it was all my fault