
A realm perpetually covered in darkness and is only illuminated by the light of its two moons: the Dusk Moon and the Dawn Moon. The realm is at its brightess when the Dawn Moon is in the sky, but that's not saying much. This realm is home to werewolves, goblins, and vampires. Dark magic is the main magic element of the realm, however, some wood and earth magic is used as well.


Werewolves form nomadic societies and are a very social and cooperative species amongst themselves. Werewolf societies are made up of a single clan, with some exceptions.

When a wolf dies, their bones are picked clean and one of their claws or fangs is given to their mate or eldest pup as a keepsake. These claws or fangs are often fashioned into jewelry.

Werewolves take on a human-like form during the Dawn Moon, then transform into wolves at the Dusk Moon, so a majority of their hunting takes place during Dusk. The young adults and adolecsents of the clans take care of the hunting while the older adults and elders stay put to tend to the pups.

Despite their natural disposition towards comraderie, Werewolves are distrustful of other species, especially Vampires. Amongst many werewolf clans, there are legends of magical crystals called Moon Stones that can keep a Werewolf in their wolf form even during the Dawn.


Goblins are small bipedal creatures who live in caves. Goblin caves, depending on how old they are, can be expansive mazes that are difficult to navigate. Goblin clans each have their own cave system which they call home. Etched into the cave walls are markings in the Goblins' language to help clan members navigate the caverns. Clans have developed their own variations on the common Goblin language to prevent rival Goblin clans from invading their caves.


Vampires are creatures who are born from corrupted souls of the dead. Being a reanimated soul, some Vampires regain memories from their previous lives if exposed to people or places that were important to them for long periods of time. As they grow older, their magic grows stronger. The Dusk Moon is when a Vampire is at their most powerful. During the Dawn Moon, their power is brought down to that of an average human.

Vampires are solitary and territorial creatures who rarely make alliances amongst their own kin, let alone other races. While they are naturally physically weak during any time of day, Vampires are gifted in hypnotism which they use to enslave other species. Vampires often command their slaves to build large strongholds and castles to keep themselves safe from their enemies. Vampires would often enslave werewolves for their strength. Legend has it that there is a magic crystal called the Bloodstone that, when worn, allows a Vampire to remain at their full strength even during the Dawn Moon.

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