A realm filled with lush forests, wide open grasslands, and tall mountain ranges. This realm is home to fairies, elves, giants, and dwarves. Light magic is the main magic element of the realm, with wind and water magic also used but not as commonly.
Fairies live deep in the mountains or forests, hidden away from the much larger inhabitants of the realm. Fairy culture and lifestyle varies dependent on where they reside. In ancient times, Giants would capture Fairies and grind up their wings to make powerful potions to imbue themselves with magical powers since they had none to speak of. Because of this, more and more Giants have been able to use magic from birth. However, Fairy hunting is still sometimes carried out by Giants leading to Fairies having a high distrust of them.
Forest Fairies
Forest fairies are hunter-gatherers. They don't make permanent settlements, opting to move from area to area within their forest to hunt insects and forage for berries and nuts for food. These fairies wear dead leaves and insect husks as camoflauge to hide from predators while hunting and foraging.
Mountain Fairies
Montain fairies tend to form farming settlements. Many mountain fairy settlements are built on mountain tops. These fairies use their windy surroundings to their advantage by building windmills for grinding grains for bread. Mountain fairies are also experts in mining for ores, which lead to the discovery of Fire Stones, crystals that, when infused with a bit of magic, can get as hot as actual fire. Many mountain fairies use Fire Stones in their homes for heating or meal preparation. Because of the discovery of Fire Stones and other ores, blacksmithing also became an area of expertise for them. However, some legends say that the Dwarves were responsible for teaching Forest Fairies how to mine in the first place.
Elves reside all over the realm in small villages. Though they are in at least neutral standing with the other races, they most often create alliances with Fairies due to their naturally friendly dispositions.
Mountain Fairies especially prefer having an Elf or two act as town guards for their villages.
Giants are large humanoid creatures who live in solitude. They often reside Genulux's large, open plains near forest edges or within mountain caves.
Centuries ago, Giants did not posess any magical abilities. However, Giants figured out how to extract magic from the Fairies of the realm: grinding up their wings to use in potions. Imbued with Fairy magic, Giants were able to pass it on to their descendants. While this is true, some Giants were still born without magical abilities or craved more power, making Fairy hunting still relevant.
Dwarves live deep underground in isolation from the other races. Those of other races tend to be unaware of the existance of Dwarves or chalk them up to just being a myth. Dwarves rarely come to the surface. The only reason they would is to scout out for new ore veins.
Dwarves are experts in mining and the stones found deep within the grounds of Genulux. They have used their expertise in these stones to create advanced technologies. Though most Dwarves can't use magic, they make up for it by using their magic stone technology.