The realm of Faunapia is inhabited by humanoid creatures that can take on features of various animals. The land itself is much like Earth, consisting of a variety of landscapes and climates.
The Seafarers race consists of humanoids with marine creature characteristics. They can shapeshift between a completely fish-like form and a more human-like form.
Though Seafarers reside in all bodies of water in Faunapia, most Seafarers live deep beneath the realm's eastern sea.
The eastern sea is ruled by the Gourami Empire. The current rulers of the empire are emperor Samegoro Gourami and empress Mikoto Gourami. They have two children: the older son Kai and the younger daughter Yoko. Inheritance to the throne is passed onto the eldest child of the main branch family, making Kai the heir. However, the heir apparent has recently gone missing, leaving Yoko as the next one in line to the throne.
The Seafarers specialize in the arts and sciences; nobles are expected to excel in these categories and be experts in their craft. Although the Gourami Empire has a military, it is relatively small.
Dolphin-type and Seal-type Seafarers tend to be entertainers, Shark-type and Eel-type Seafarers tend to get enlisted in the army or are hunters for food, and Octopus-type and Squid-type Seafarers tend to be scientists and scholars.
Their cuisine mainly consists of undersea plant life and proteins of actual fish.
The Wingback race consists of humanoids with bird-like characteristics.
Many of them make their homes high above the treetops of Faunapia or atop Faunapia's steep cliffs.
The Iceblood race consists of humanoids with reptile-like or amphibian-like characteristics.
Icebloods live in Faunapia's warmer areas such as its deserts, swamps, and tropical islands.
Icebloods tend to be lax and unbothered with the affairs of the other races. They don't bother making alliances with other races, but will not go out of their way to step on their toes either.
The Furfoot race consists of humanoids with non-sapian mammal-like characteristics.
Furfoots tend to be territorial and wary of others.