About With Souls Intertwined

Table of Contents

Mages and Magical Potential

A person who can use magic is called a Mage, and their magic power is ranked by Magical Potential. As the name implies, Magic Potential does not rate a Mage's skill, but the amount of magical energy they have. Magical Potential is categorized by rank as follows from lowest to highest:

  • Rank F: Has no magical energy whatsoever. Most people do not refer to those of this rank as a Mage.
  • Rank E: Not that different from an average human. May be mistaken for someone who is extremely lucky, has good intuition, etc.
  • Rank D: Can cast simple spells like conjuring a small flame or make an object invisible for a short period of time.
  • Rank C: Considered the "average" magic-user.
  • Rank B: Has the capacity to make contracts with multiple Familiars and create Artificial Familiars (covered in Mages and Familiars)
  • Rank A: Considered the best Mages in the universe. Few Mages were born with this rank. Though, it can be attained after birth through special circumstances.
  • Rank S: God-like in power. Only two Mages in the universe have been ranked as such.

Magic Categories and Magic Subcategories

A Mage's magical element can be classified as one of the following Magic Categories recognized by the Arcane Council (covered in The Arcane Council). The following are the currently recognized Magic Categories:

  • Light
  • Dark
  • Time
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Wind
  • Earth
  • Wood
  • Thunder
  • Non-elemental

Magic Subcategories are more descriptive in how a Mage implements their magic using their element. For example, say we have two Mages who have Time magic as their main Category. However, their Time magic works in completely different ways: one can time travel while the other can slow down time. Therefore, the first Mage could have Time Travel as a Subcategory while the second could have Time Dilation as their Subcategory. Subcategories are not officially documented by the Arcane Council and are self-identified by Mages individually.

Mages and Familiars

In With Souls Intertwined, those who can use magic are called Mages. With Souls Intertwined's magic system revolves around Mage/Familiar Pairs (called Pairs for short). Although Mages can use magic well enough on their own, some may find it beneficial to form a Pair with a fellow Mage.

To form a pair, a Magical Contract is initiated by the Mage with the most Magical Potential. The Mage with higher Potential is the dominant Mage while the other one is the Familiar. The Mage typically takes up a guide or mentor role to their Familiar. The Pair also gains the ability to use a weaker form of each other's magic. This can lead to unique combinations of magic applications and types.

Mages of Rank E or lower do not have enough Potential to initiate a magical contract. Mages of Rank D or C are capable of handling only one Familiar at a time. Maintaining a Contract requires a lot of magical energy. Mages of Rank B or above are capable of making contracts with multiple familiars. They are also capable of creating contracts with Artificial Familiars. Artificial Familiars are created by a Mage imbuing an artifical object with magic.

The Arcane Council

The Arcane Council oversees all things related to Mages. They are in charge of documenting all Mages and creating laws regarding magic.

Mages can request the Council to give them an analysis of their Magical Potential and Magic Category. The Mage would send the Council a part of their body. Hair, fingernails, and blood is a common choice. Then, the Council analyzes the Mage's DNA and determines their Potential and Category. They send the Mage a letter containing that information. The letter is enchanted so that only the intended recipient can see its contents.

The Council also hosts tournaments every 50 years to determine seats in the Council. This tournament is also used to find the true identity of the Devourer. (covered in The Devourer and Its Effects on the Magical World). This tournament takes place within La Mana, the Realm between Realms. (More about La Mana and other Realms are covered in Realms).

The Devourer and Its Effects on the Magical World

The Devourer is a Rank S Non-Elemental Mage. It first appears during one of the Arcane Council's tournaments.

The Devourer does exactly what its name implies. It absorbs Mages within itself to take their powers. Many have rumors and theories regarding the Devourer have spread. Some theorize that the Devourer is a Mage/Familiar pair that has a Time Mage due to its ability to time travel. Others say the Devourer is an Artifical Familiar that went rogue. Some also say that the Devourer had multiple Familiars before becoming the Devourer. These rumors have caused discrimination against Artificial Familiars and those with multiple Familiars.

The Arcane Council used to be more open with revealing a Mage's Magic Category and Magical Potential. Nowadays, this information is kept confidential to ease the fears of the public. Time Mages within the Council have determined the exact point in time of the Devourer's birth. Interference from a Mage's spell at the time has made it difficult to identify the Devourer.


Realms are home to many different magical creatures and societies within the universe of With Souls Intertwined.

  • Faunapia (Home to Seafarers, Wingbacks, Icebloods, and Furfoots)
  • Genulux (Home to Fairies, Elves, Giants, and Dwarves)
  • Neutralion (Home to Humans and Robots)
  • Obstella (Home to Werewolves, Goblins, and Vampires)
  • Vierwelt (Home to Undines, Salamanders, Gnomes, and Sylphs)
  • La Mana (The Realm between Realms)