
Stripes pic (made with Picrew)

Made with Picrew

  • Age: 30 (cat years), 2 (human years)
  • Birthday: August 1
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 1'3" (cat form), 8'4" (tiger form)
  • Weight: 15lbs (cat form), 450lbs (tiger form)
  • Species: Bengal Tabby Cat/Siberian Tiger
  • Magical Potential: C
  • Magic Category: Non-elemental
  • Magic Subcategory: Form Manipulation


Stripes is a magical cat who can manipulate the form of himself and any object he touches at will. He's a brash, outspoken cat and can be brutally honest a lot of the time. He tends to rush straight into situations without thinking of the consequences. He cares for his friends and his loved ones and would do anything to keep them away from harm.


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