Kiki Cruz

Kiki Cruz
  • Age: 24
  • Birthday: December 7
  • Gender: Female
  • Alias: Parker


Kiki was born in Southtown and orphaned at a young age. Geese Howard took her in when she was ten years old and worked for him ever since. Since she had to fend for herself on the streets, she taught herself how to fight. This caught Geese's attention. He helped refine her fighting style and she became one of his top-ranked bodyguards. As Geese's bodyguard, she disguised herself as a man. She used the alias “Parker” to ward off unwanted male attention. Due to their similar ranks, she became close friends with Billy Kane. He was one of the few people who knew Kiki's true gender. Other than using her as a bodyguard, Geese also employed her as a singer at a bar that he owned. He often assigned her to seduce information out of patrons. One day, Geese assigned her to get info on a man named Terry Bogard...

Thinking killing Terry would be an easy job, Kiki accepted it. She would gradually gain his trust and eventually go in for the kill. But, she started to fall in love with his genuine, carefree personality. When Geese realized Kiki had not killed Terry as he ordered, he took matters into his own hands. He hosted the King of Fighters tournament to drag Terry out and finish the job himself. Terry advanced to the final round of the tournament and defeated Billy. Kiki donned her bodyguard outfit and faced off against Terry to pose as one last obstacle. Although she loved Terry, her loyalty to Geese was much stronger. Terry defeated her, and proceeded to defeat Geese, knocking him off Geese Tower. Kiki was at a loss for what to do from then on, so she began drifting across the US, trying to find her place in the world.

Kiki is a young woman with a sharp tongue and a cynical outlook on life. Due to her line of work, she has a huge distrust in men, believing them to be animals who would do anything to get laid. She sees Geese as a father figure tends to poke fun at him every once in a while. She does hold a deep respect for him, so she doesn't go too far with her teasing. When not working at the bar or guarding Geese, she reads and writes stories, usually high fantasy. She sees this as an escape from reality, so she keeps this hobby a secret from everyone she knows.

When in her Parker persona, she's a man of few words and prefers to end fights quickly, all to keep her true identity secret. Despite the bad experiences she may have as a bar singer or a bodyguard, she still genuinely enjoys both lines of work.


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