Yumi's Supports


C Support
Hm... I wonder...
It's impolite to stare, you know.
My, aren't you sharp? It makes me wonder if you're used to getting stared at.
Implying something?
Does the nickname "The Escort Mercenary" mean anything to you?
Can't say it does. Should it?
I've heard that a handsome young mercenary from Merinas has been selling more than just his sword arm. If you catch my drift. Ring any bells?
Well, I can admit my "swordplay" is decent. And I have shown it off to those willing to pay me. Though, I'd imagine not as often as these rumors say.
So, you're saying it HAS happened.
Since you seem so interested in my services, let me lay out my terms. Payment consists of both gold and information. If the info's not good enough, it's a no-go.
Oh, it's good. Trust me. Working for the arena's got its perks.
In that case, how about we talk business over some drinks? Let's see how good that info of yours really is.
B Support
Kai, do you mind if I ask you something?
Depends on what it is.
About the other night-
(Kai leaves the scene.)
Wha- Hey! You can't just run off like that!
(Yumi chases after Kai and catches up to him.)
*huff* There... *huff* you are...!
Aren't you persistent? Good job tailing me, but I'm still not gonna talk about that.
You gave me your payment and I delivered. Transaction's over. I make it a policy to not dwell on nights like that after the fact. It's best if you did the same, Yumi. I wouldn't want you to get attached.
Get attached? Just what kind of girl do you take me for?!
I've seen this sort of thing happen before, Yumi. We start talking more, you pay for more one-on-one time, one thing leads to another-
Don't be so full of yourself! You weren't even that great.
I... What?
Oh, good. You're actually listening to me. Your performance was mediocre, Kai.
Huh. That's a first.
It was such a drag! Where was the energy? The passion? Honestly, I feel bad for anyone who paid for such a poor display.
Well, my past clients were satisfied enough, so why should I care?
Do you even hear yourself right now?! What about any future clients? You need to step it up for their sake. Be glad I'm not asking for a refund.
Wow, harsh words, Yumi. Harsh words. But, again, the transaction's done. End of discussion.
Oh no, it's not. I am getting my money's worth out of you whether you like it or not.
Your money's worth? Oh, dear Merin, you're not suggesting...
Tonight. My quarters.
And if I refuse?
I'm sure Her Highness would LOVE to know what her loyal retainer has been doing in his free time.
... Fine.
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