Taylor's Supports


C Support
Captain Taylor, about today's training-
Forrest, I admire the work ethic, but does it look like I wanna talk about our last session?
It looks like you're ready to drink yourself into a stupor.
Glad we're on the same page. Now, if you'll excuse me...
Ah, hold on. Perhaps I should join you. You may need... supervision.
I'm a big boy, Forrest, no need to worry! But you can still tag along if you want. The more, the merrier! By the way, have you actually drank alcohol before?
No, never.
Not a problem! We'll start you off easy to figure out your tolerance. I don't want you going out of commission tomorrow morning. Explaining to Her Highness why her most trusted knight is having the worst hangover of his life is something I DON'T want to do.
I trust that you know what you're doing, Captain.
Of course I know what I'm doing! Now, come on, let's head to the tavern! Drinks on me!
B Support
Forrest! Hey! You doing okay? You're looking more sour than usual.
Captain, what happened on the night we went to the tavern?
Oh. Uh. Why... do you ask...?
The women in town were giving me strange looks the last time I went out for errands. I can only assume something... unsavory happened. I can hardly recall anything from that night, though. It's all a blur.
It's probably best to let it stay a blur, buddy. For your own peace of mind, I mean.
Captain, I fear my reputation is on the line here. I need to know what happened.
Don't say I didn't warn you. You see...
(Time passes.)
Oh, dear Medea...
It wasn't as bad as it sounds! Really! I mean, you were definitely enjoying yourself. And those ladies really liked it when you-
Stop stop stop no no no I don't want to hear anymore.
Would me saying I was jealous make the situation any better?
Not in the slightest.
A Support
*sigh* This is all too much...
(Taylor enters the scene.)
Whoa, got another bouquet, Forrest? That's the third one this week!
Captain Taylor, that tavern outing was a horrible idea. The women in town won't leave me be. First, it was the barmaid, then the general store's shopkeeper, then the baker... And then it just kept going! I can't take it anymore, Captain!
You're way too stressed about this. Just look at how popular you're getting! You're gonna get a wife in no time.
If Forrest achieved an S rank Support with anyone:
First off, I already have a partner. Secondly, even if I didn't, this is not how I would want to meet them.
First off, I'm not ready for marriage. Secondly, even if I were, this is not how I want to meet my future partner.
Especially when they only find me attractive if I'm intoxicated.
Oh, I'm sure it ain't like that! You've got a lot going for you as is. You're handsome, loyal, and strong. Anyone would want a husband like that. And being a flirty drunk is just the cherry on top.
But seriously though, this is really good for you!
How in Medea's name is this good?
Lemme put it into perspective for you. You're so dedicated to training and serving the royal family. Admirable? Sure! But that also means you don't set aside time for yourself outside the castle.
You gotta let yourself live beyond your duties, Forrest. It's good for the soul!
What do you mean?
Let me ask you this. Wasn't that night at the tavern fun?
From what little I remember, it was.
Exactly! Expanding your world and experiencing new things does wonders! And that can all start by meeting new people.
I'm not saying you gotta drink 'til you pass out every night to do that. It can be something small like striking up a conversation with the shopkeeper next time you do errands. Or flirting back the next time you get a gift from one of the girls in town.
I am NOT doing that.
Haha! Fair enough.
I could try your first suggestion, though.
That's what I like to hear! Anyway, you've obviously had a long day. You know what you need?
If you're going to suggest alcohol, I swear to Medea-
You got it! To the tavern we go!
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C Support
Ah, there you are Taylor. Training again, I see.
Alex, hey! Need me for something?
Yes, actually. I have something I wish to discuss with you.
I'm all ears.
It seems all you do is train. Don't you have anything else you do during your free time?
Uh, I go to the tavern?
I am well aware of that.
Speaking of which, wanna grab a drink after I'm done with training for the day? My treat!
No. I do not want a repeat of last time.
Oh, come on! I'll limit myself to three mugs of ale this time!
Taylor- Never mind. We're getting off topic. You may be physically strong, but you need to be mentally strong too. That's why I'll lend you this.
A book?
Yes. Luckily for you, I picked something I think you'll enjoy: "The Trials of Sir Aaron". The battle scenes are quite exhilerating, and the main character is a noble, brave warrior. Much like you, in a way.
Heh. Flattery will get you nowhere, Alex. Still, I'll give this whole "reading" thing a go. You obviously put a lot of thought into this. I'd hate to disappoint my best friend.
Thank you, Taylor. Let me know what you think of it when you're done.
B Support
Hey, Alex, about that book you lent me...
Oh, you finished it? What did you think?
I'm gonna be blunt here: Terrible.
Really? Why do you say that?
You know that part when Aaron was going one-on-one against that general? That was the worst display of swordsmanship I've ever seen! ... Read. Whatever.
I thought it was a heart-racing moment. His sword pierced right through his armor, and he took him down in one blow!
Yeah, but piercing through PLATE? That stuff's thick! There's no way Aaron's blade could've done that. And stuff like that keeps happening over and over through the entire book!
There's this thing called "suspension of disbelief", you know.
Well, my disbelief is far from suspended. Anyway, here. You can have your book back.
Thank you. *sigh* I suppose I will have to re-think my approach...
(Alex leaves.)
I don't get what the big deal is. Why would I read about fighting when I do it all the time? Hm? Looks like she forgot one of her books. Let's see... "Tryst by Moonlight". Wonder what this is about?
A Support
Taylor, I seem to have misplaced one of my books. It's called "Tryst by Moonlight". Have you seen it?
Oh yeah! You dropped it the other day. Here you go.
What a relief! I thought I would never find it again. Thank you, Taylor. This is one of my favorites.
I can see why. It's pretty good!
Wait, you read it?
And finished it!
Is that so? What did you think of it?
The relationship between Percy and Lana is sweet, if a little tragic. All that hardship, just for Percy to die at the end... Poor Lana. Gotta admit, I teared up.
Huh. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I would have never thought you'd be a romantic, Taylor.
Me neither! So, you got more stuff like that?
I do. Would you like something bittersweet again or something more lighthearted?
Something lighthearted this time. I don't feel like crying over a book again. Maybe some other time.
Haha! I'll see what I have, then.
S Support
Oh, Alex. Here's "Passing Ships in the Night" back.
Ah, thank you, Taylor. Did you like it?
Yeah, not bad. Thanks for all the book recommendations, by the way. I've been liking all of them!
You're welcome. I'm glad.
Speaking of which, I stopped by the marketplace and got you something.
A book for me? Hm... It has no title.
I know. You gotta open it up.
Let's see... Wait, it's a fake book? W-With a ring inside? Taylor, are you...?
"I bestow upon thee this ring unto thine finger. Like the blade clasped in my right hand and the shield in my left, may this ring be a symbol of my undying oath to protect and serve you, my beloved."
You memorized Percy's proposal to Lana? Just for me?
Yeah. That's not too lame, is it?
No, not at all. It's... really sweet, actually.
So, what do you say, Alex? Will you marry me?
Yes, of course, Taylor! I wouldn't have it any other way.
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C Support
Hey you! You're Michael, right?
Yes, sir!
Why don't you show me what you can do? Come at me!
I'll do my best!
(Time passes.)
For your age, you're not bad. You have good control over your lance. Your attacks are a little slow though.
I'm sorry, sir.
I'm not criticizing you, kid. Just making observations. On the flip side, your defenses are excellent. For most people, it would be hard to get any meaningful attacks on you.
Thank you, Sir Taylor! Er, Sir Taylor?
What is it, kid? And don't call me "sir" all the time. Just Taylor is fine.
Okay, Si- ... Taylor. Why did you become a knight?
Because I get to ride a fu- ... A *fast* horse. I dash around the battlefield and look damn sexy while doing it. Also, I can get myself a couple shots of whiskey every night. Speaking of which, let's go relax at the tavern!
(Taylor leaves the scene.)
Going to the tavern doesn't seem very knightly. I guess if Sir Taylor does it, it's okay. Still, I don't know about this. What would mom say?
B Support
Come on, put your backs into it! Let's go, let's go!
Andddd... halt! Great work today, men.
At ease, soldier. Now, who's up for a round of drinks!?
Me, Captain!
Same here, Cap!
Haha, great to hear! You guys go on ahead. I'll catch up in a bit.
(Camera pans over to Taylor and Michael.)
So, learn anything, Michael?
You lead your men amazingly, Sir T- Uh, Taylor. But...
Something the matter?
Oh, not at all! It's just that with how you are in the training yard compared to how you are at the tavern... It's like seeing night and day.
What do you expect? I can't have a stick up my a- ... My *side* all day. And I can't be a lolly-gagger all the time either. You gotta strike a balance with these things, Michael.
That's... surprisingly wise.
Thanks! Wait, what do you mean by "surprisingly"?
Er, n-nothing! Anyway, thanks again for letting me observe, Taylor.
No problem. Now, come on, Michael! The tavern awaits!
Huh?! I'm coming too?
Of course you are! Let's go!
(Taylor drags Michael offscreen.)
A Support
Here's to another great training session, boys! Bottoms up!
(Camera pans over to Taylor and Michael.)
I don't think I'll ever get used to this...
Michael, my friend, I think it's about time we get you the strong stuff.
Wait, what?
This is your first step to manhood! Finish up that mug of water then we'll get you a pint of the good stuff.
I-I don't think that's a good idea-
(Taylor forces Michael's mug to his lips.)
Down the hatch, Mike!
*Gulp!* *Gasp!* Oh dear Folia-
There we go!
(A barmaid enters the scene.)
Hey, get some ale in my friend's mug here!
On the way, sir!
Uh, that's not necessary-
(The barmaid leaves the scene.)
You've been workin' so damn hard all this time, Mikey! It's time you let loose!
(The barmaid returns.)
One mug-full of ale coming up!
I, uh-
(The barmaid fills Michael's mug then leaves.)
Oh. Okay. Hm... Maybe just a sip wouldn't hurt. As long as I keep track of how much I'm drinking, I should be fine.
Some time later...
♫ Fill up my tankard with a pint of fresh ale~ ♫
♫ An' 'til th' mornin' comes, never mind what entails~ ♫
♫ For when that hard whisky be sloshin' in mine cup~ ♫
♫ Both th' beer and the bitters will raise my soul up~! ♫
(Taylor and Michael collapse to the floor.)
Andddd they're down. Let's take 'em home, Greg.
No need to tell me twice.
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C Support
Hey! You're Lady Tsubaki's retainer. Nagisa, right?
And you are?
Taylor, co-captain of the Medean royal army. Glad to meet ya!
Yeesh, Her Highness was right. You're a prickly one.
Can you leave me alone? I'm busy training.
I can see that! And that brings me to why I'm here. With you being one of the newbies, I think it's a good idea to get to know each other. Since we're working together and all.
How annoying.
Aw, don't be like that. It'll be fun! The way I see it, there's two good ways to get to know a person. One: see them fight. Two: see 'em at the tavern. And I've seen you fight plenty already.
So, we're done here.
Oh, no, no, no. I gotta see both sides of the coin! Two different situations, two different sides. Get it?
I'm not going to the tavern with you.
Trust me. This'll be the perfect bonding experience. Besides, you're just about done training, aren't you? You'll want a refreshing drink after working so hard.
I suppose I'm not against it.
There we go! We can get going as soon as you're ready.
Later at the tavern...
An' I just don' *hic!* understand, Taylor! Why'd they jus' *hic!* up an' leave like that, huhhhh?
That's... a real rough story, Nagisa.
Yeesh, how drunk is she? She barely had a sip and she's already like this.
An' now I gotta take care of Tsu-Tsu all by m'self...
"Tsu-Tsu"? You mean Lady Tsubaki?
Yeah! *hic* Who else would it be?
Yeah, that sounds like a lot... Speaking of a lot, you definitely had more than your fill of drinks. Let's head back.
Carry me.
Wha- Actually, that's probably not a bad idea. Alright, up and at 'em. Time to go, Nagisa.
B Support
Yo! Nagisa! Hard at work again, huh?
Oh. Taylor. Hello.
Uh, you okay?
Far from it. I was thinking about our time at the tavern. I remember some of what happened, but could you fill in some blanks?
I can try.
First off, did I mention anything about Lady Nagisa?
You did call her "Tsu-Tsu".
Not. A. Word. About. That. To. ANYONE. Understand?
My lips are sealed.
Anything else?
You also had me carry you-
Hey, you're the one who asked for it! Don't worry, I was all gentlemanly about it.
Oh dear Merin...
You also said stuff about Kai and... Kenji, I think? I dunno. Honestly, you were slurring your words a lot, so it was hard to understand most of it.
Forget everything I said about those two.
Now, hold on there. I did get some of what you said. It sounded like you really missed having those two around back in Edoyama, right?
At least Kai's here! Maybe you can talk things out-
As if I'd talk to a womanizing traitor like him!
(Nagisa leaves the scene.)
Huh. Wonder what she meant by that.