Parker's Supports



C Support
Greetings, Mister Parker. Cole
Hello, Cole. Parker
What's today's lesson? Cole
I know that you excel in fire magic, so I want you to practice more... Obscure magic. I know that you're really good, but I want you to be able to adapt. Some magic is stronger in certain situations. Parker
Ice against fire melts, but then turns into water which puts out the fire. In other words ice magic? Cole
Precisely. Parker
And the wind controls water. And the thunder can make fire. Cole
Yes, very good. I see you have been keeping up with your studies. Parker
Thank you, Mister Parker. Cole
Now, let's begin with the rest of the lesson. Parker
B Support
Greetings, Mister Parker. Cole
Hello again, Cole. Parker
I have a question. What was the toughest magic duel you ever had? I know that you're not supposed to just go into battle for the sake of it, but I'm curious. Cole
Hmm... Let's see... I had to deal with a rogue dark mage that was terrorizing towns. I ended up confronting him at a port. He wielded Nosferatu. Parker
Steals the health of its victims and gives it to the user. Definitely doesn't seem like something that would be light magic. Cole
Yes, it felt as if my very essence was being drained away. The battle ended up being so fierce that a pub was destroyed. The mage's tome ended up breaking so he swapped to Luna. Parker
It completely ignores the victim's will and mental endurance. Cole
Correct. In the end, I got desperate that I ended up just beating him with my fists. Parker
Hmm... Sorry for asking. I'm glad you're okay. Cole
It's not your fault. You're just curious. Parker
I need to be able to lift heavier tomes for the battles up ahead. Cole
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