Lucy's Supports


C Support
Hi! You're Aqua, right?
Yes, that's me. Who are you?
I'm Lucy, a healer for the Medean royal army. Well, healer in training, I mean. My mother was the healer for the royal army, but since she's sick I'm trying to fill in for her until she recovers.
Oh, I see! I happen to be a cleric of Vergrande Monastery in Foliaga.
That's so cool! So, we're both healers, then. We should be friends!
It would be nice to have another friend, Lucy.
By the way, that's a really nice staff. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before.
Oh, thank you. Sam let us have it on our way back from Oregot. It feels more powerful than the staves I normally use. It can heal others from a good distance away.
That's amazing! Can I give it a try?
I don't see why not. Let's go to the infirmary and try it out.
(Scene transitions to the Medea Castle infirmary.)
Oh, Lucy! Did you need something?
Hello, Miss Joan. I just wanted to try out this new staff. Is there anyone who needs help right now?
Why, Brennan here happened to come in with a sprained wrist earlier. I'm sure he'd appreciate the assistance.
Okay! Here we go! ...
Um. Wait, let me try again. ...
Lucy, are you sure that staff works?
I'm sure it does! I've seen Aqua use it all the time. Here, Aqua, show her.
(The staff activates.)
Ah, I feel so much better. Thank you!
Thank you very much for your help, you two.
Yes, of course.
(Scene transitions to outside the infirmary.)
That's so strange...
You can say that again. Looks like we've got a mystery on our hands, Aqua. Let's figure out what's with that staff!
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C Support
(Lucy enters the scene.)
Wow, it smells really good here. Oh, Miss Alex! What are you up to?
Hello, Lucy. Just brewing some tea. Would you like some?
Yes, please!
Here you go. Be careful. It's hot.
Thank you very much.
(Lucy takes a sip.)
This is really good! What kind of tea is it?
It's a blend of chamomile and lavender. I've read that both are good for sleep and relaxation.
That's amazing! Tea can do that?
Yes, to some extent. It can't replace eating well and taking care of your body, but it can help. If you'd like, I could lend you my book on different teas. You seem quite interested.
That would be great! Thank you very much, Miss Alex!
Of course. If you happen to come across a tea that you might like, let me know. I'll see if I can brew it for you.
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