Joshua's Supports


C Support
Krista! I got a proposition for ya!
What's up, Joshua?
Y'see, I've been observing your sword techniques, and I think I can help you get even better at handling swords.
Oh? What did you have in mind?
So, your defenses and speed are good. Nothing wrong there. What you DO need more of is raw strength.
And a big, strong, buff man like you is gonna get me all big, strong, and buff?
You get it! How about we get the ball rolling now?
I'm down! So, what sort of training do I gotta do?
No, no, no. We can't train 'til we get more muscle on ya. And to do that, we gotta get some food in you to fuel them!
To the dining hall, Krista! Let's go, let's go!!
(Joshua pushes Krista off-screen.)
Wait! I just had lunch!! I can't eat anymore! WAIT!!!
B Support
So, how do you feel? Feel the burn?
I feel something burning, alright. Joshua, I won't doubt your methods, but I feel like I'm literally gonna explode. Or collapse. Or both. No, yeah, definitely both.
No problem. We can take a break and pick things up tomorrow-
Could you hold that thought? Collapsing and exploding incoming.
Wait, what-
(Krista collapses to the floor.)
Krista?! You okay??
Yeesh, that ain't good. Uh, let's pick things up in a few days instead?
Sure. As long as you can carry me to my room. Please?
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C Support
Hm... Fascinating. That hunk of iron doesn't slow him down nearly as much as one would expect. He doesn't parry or deflect like one might with a large sword. More like he cuts through his opponent's defenses. Interesting.
(Joshua enters the scene.)
Hey, you going to spar, pretty boy? Or are you just going to stand on the sidelines all day like an idiotic bystander?
Are you talking to me?
You see anyone else just grinning on the sidelines not doing anything?
Doesn't that large sword weigh you down, though? I would think something that massive would-
Oh no you don't. You've been watching for the better part of half an hour. Quit standing there and draw! Hyah!
(Joshua moves in and swings his sword at Kai. Kai takes the hit.)
Ngh. Nice stroke. You were aware that I was watching even while sparring yourself?
Sure was. First rule of survival in the arena: always be aware of your surroundings and who occupies them. Anyone there is a potential assassin, adversary, or ambusher.
So you have good situational awareness, then. You would make a good soldier or spy. Still, this sword is a large target making it easy to avoid and block.
(Joshua moves in to take another swing. Kai blocks the attack.)
Case in point.
You may have blocked my blade, but look at your own.
Wh-What the-?!
As you noted, large target so easy to block. But if you block near my crossguard, you are bearing the full weight of Old Iron here which is too much strain for the typical blade. One more parry and you may break your sword.
D-Damn it...
What you want to do is block closer to the tip. Less weight on your blade. Let's call it for a day. Besides, you need to get your sword looked at.
(Joshua leaves the scene.)
How did he get my sword to the point of breaking like that? Thank Merin it didn't actually break. Going to have to find more information on him. He mentioned the arena... Maybe I'll see if anyone from there knows anything about the man.
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C Support
Man, Chell, you're not as frail as other Pegasus riders I've seen. You've got a good bit of bulk on ya!
Oh, um, thank you, Joshua. But, what's with this all of a sudden?
I was wondering if we could do a quick spar. I wanna see just how strong you really are!
I would be glad to.
(Time passes.)
Wow, nimble AND strong. Not bad at all, Chell.
You're not so bad yourself. I'm surprised at how easily you can swing that sword around. Why, it looks more like a slab of metal than an actual blade.
Old Iron is heavy, sure, but these muscles aren't just for show, you know.
Yes. Of course. Right. Ahem. At any rate, how did you come to wield... "Old Iron", was it?
Took a lot of strength training to actually lift up this bad boy. It was my father's sword at first, actually. He said he'd only hand it down to me if I could lift it. You can see how that went.
Oh my. Your father must have also been quite a strong man.
Sure was. Old Iron looked so natural in his hands. He could swing it with ease. Even more than I ever could.
You alright, Chell? You look flushed.
Ah, yes, I'm fine, thank you. Although, could I watch you the next time you train? Seeing you use Old Iron is... enlightening.
Sure! I don't mind at all.
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C Support
'Sup, bro!
What's up, bro!
Cool beard, brother!
Thanks, man. Yours is awesome too.
Thanks, bro. Nice axe.
Nice sword. Do you always carry that massive thing around?
Folks kept asking me to shave until I started carrying Old Iron around. What about you? Do you always carry that axe around?
People would start asking me to shave if I didn't.
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha!
Want to go train?
Sure! What are we training today?
Arms. Every day is arm day.
Cool! Let's go!
(Sam and Joshua leave the scene.)
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C Support
Hello, Joshua. I didn't expect to see you here in the library.
Hey there Alex. Figured I'd unwind after training by doing some reading.
I never would have figured you for a reader Joshua. You come off as more... abrasive, honestly.
If Taylor is still alive:
A lot like Taylor, actually. And getting HIM to read anything is like getting a child to eat their greens.
You gotta keep your mind sharp if you want to survive in the arena. Both mind and body need to be strong.
I can agree with that sentiment. Though, I fear it's my mind that's more strong than my body.
Don't sell yourself short, Alex. You strike me as a strong, capable woman. However, if you want some help, these books might do the trick. I'll leave them with you.
Why, thank you, Joshua.
No problem. I'll catch you later. Reading makes me hungry.
(Joshua leaves the scene.)
What a strange man. What are these books? "10 Lifts for Life", "Meat Makes Muscle", and "Train Like a Champion, Be a Champion"... These aren't something I normally read, but they seem interesting.
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C Support
Joshua, what is the meaning of this?
Oh, these swords aren't mine. Well, except Old Iron here. I offered to clean everyone's swords.
That is NOT what I was referring to, Joshua.
What is the problem, then?
Look around you! Her Highness has been very gracious in granting you a palace chamber, and you let it get like this! The state of this room is appalling!
What do you mean? There's no dust or rats or anything.
Oh sweet Medea! Where are your boots? Here on the nightstand? Where's your armor? Hung up? No! It's thrown on the reading table.
You mean I can't temporarily put them there?
Of course not! Where did you grow up? Don't answer that. I don't want to know.
Soooo... you want armor and clothes in the closet instead?
Yes, it would make my job easier. Wait, isn't that Princess Krista's sword?
Yes, it's seen some heavy use. I offered to sharpen it and clean it up. A few knicks in it too. A little light for my liking, but it's a good blade. Well balanced.
You are something else. Your room is worse than a rat's nest, but you keep your weapons and armor well-maintained.
If you don't maintain your weapons, they'll fail you when you need them most.
All of that is well and good, but could you please maintain your chambers better?
Sure, I can do that.
Thank you! Oh, next time you want to sneak out to the tavern, I can get you out without Forrest knowing. Bye!
(Felicity leaves the scene.)
That woman is something else. Reminds me of one of my aunts.
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