Felicity's Supports


C Support
Sorry I'm late, Felicity. I had way more stuff to do today than I thought. Anyway, ready to do the shopping together?
No need, Your Highness. I had finished the shopping this morning on my own.
Oh! You've been doing that a lot lately, huh? Not that I mind, of course. It's good to see you getting more used to dealing with crowds.
Actually, I arrived at the marketplace early enough when it was mostly quiet.
Oh, really? Still, thanks for all your help, Felicity. Just don't push yourself too hard, okay? I know that dealing with people can be tough sometimes.
Something wrong?
It's... It's nothing. At any rate, I have more chores to attend to. If you'll excuse me...
(Felicity leaves the scene.)
I wonder what that was about.
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C Support
Hey, Felicity, mind clearing up something for me?
What is it?
I'm trying to do the math in my head, and well... Her Highness hired you ten years ago, right?
And you're how old again?
Oh, Viola, don't you know it's rude to ask a lady her age? Besides, I stopped keeping track a long time ago.
Hm... Well, you look like you're around my age, so that would mean you would've still been a teenager when you met Princess Krista. But that's not right! You look just like you did ten years ago.
You can say I aged quite gracefully, then.
Wait, then... Hm... Hmmmmm...
As entertaining as this conversation is, Viola, I must return to my chores. If you'll excuse me...
(Felicity leaves the scene.)
Ah, wait! ... And she's gone. Either I'm bad at math or Felicity's hiding something. ... I should probably review my textbooks.
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C Support
Joshua, what is the meaning of this?
Oh, these swords aren't mine. Well, except Old Iron here. I offered to clean everyone's swords.
That is NOT what I was referring to, Joshua.
What is the problem, then?
Look around you! Her Highness has been very gracious in granting you a palace chamber, and you let it get like this! The state of this room is appalling!
What do you mean? There's no dust or rats or anything.
Oh sweet Medea! Where are your boots? Here on the nightstand? Where's your armor? Hung up? No! It's thrown on the reading table.
You mean I can't temporarily put them there?
Of course not! Where did you grow up? Don't answer that. I don't want to know.
Soooo... you want armor and clothes in the closet instead?
Yes, it would make my job easier. Wait, isn't that Princess Krista's sword?
Yes, it's seen some heavy use. I offered to sharpen it and clean it up. A few knicks in it too. A little light for my liking, but it's a good blade. Well balanced.
You are something else. Your room is worse than a rat's nest, but you keep your weapons and armor well-maintained.
If you don't maintain your weapons, they'll fail you when you need them most.
All of that is well and good, but could you please maintain your chambers better?
Sure, I can do that.
Thank you! Oh, next time you want to sneak out to the tavern, I can get you out without Forrest knowing. Bye!
(Felicity leaves the scene.)
That woman is something else. Reminds me of one of my aunts.
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