Chell's Supports


C Support
Hey, Chell! I wasn't expecting to meet my favorite pegasus knight here.
Heh. You say that to every knight in your service, but thank you. I like to relax in the sauna after a good training session.
Same here. Your shoulders are great! I didn't realize how good they were.
Please, Your Highness. On that note, your back is looking good. How is your swordsmanship with Kai going?
Going good! He's very quick with a blade. Speaking of which, how's your axe training going?
It's going well. It must be where the shoulder muscles are coming from. Anyway, if you ever want to train together, I'm at your service. I'm sure we could learn a lot from each other.
Sure! I'd like that. Besides, I can see your thunder thighs in action.
Your thighs are pretty good as well, Your Highness. I'll see you next time.
B Support
Off to the sauna again, Chell?
Why, yes. Would you like to join me?
Yeah, I'd love to!
(Scene transitions to the sauna.)
Man, I didn't think it'd be possible, but I think you got even buffer since the last time we were in the sauna together.
Hm? I might be. I have been incorporating more meat into my diet. And with all the extra training and practice spars, it's not too surprising. On that note, you've been getting more muscle definition as well. Your back muscles especially.
Really? I can't get a good look at them myself, so I'll take your word for it.
Speaking of training, still going well, I take it?
No complaints here!
That's good. You know, despite you switching teachers multiple times, I can still see my father's influence on your technique.
Your defensive maneuvers are similar to Forrest's. And you've gotten more swift with the blade after Kai started to teach you. However, the power you put into your swings was something my father advised to you, wasn't it?
Sure was. Ol' man Gibson always did say the best defense is a good offense.
Yes, that sounds like something Father would say.
Your Highness?
Gibson was a good man. I still miss him, but it must be a lot tougher for you.
That is true. I miss him dearly. But I cannot let that weigh down on me. I won't allow it to.
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C Support
On laundry duty today, Forrest?
Yes, I am. Was there something you needed?
I finished gathering firewood, so I wanted to see if you needed assistance.
That would be much appreciated. Thank you, Chell.
It is my pleasure. One moment, isn't that Princess Krista's blouse? I didn't know you took care of her laundry as well.
I typically don't. That's Felicity's job. She's busy catching up on her other duties, so I'm taking over for her.
Is that so? And you don't feel awkward handling a woman's clothing?
The way you phrased that made me feel more awkward about it than me actually doing it. But in all seriousness, no. I don't. I had to take over for Felicity a few times over the years, and it was embarrassing for a while. But ultimately, it was something I got used to.
I see...
Is there something on your mind?
Nothing in particular. It's just with how well you perform your duties around the castle, I think you'd make a good husband one day.
I... Pardon?
I apologize. That did not come out as I intended. I didn't mean to imply that you and I would...
It's alright. I'll take it as a compliment.
B Support
Forrest, have you thought about having children one day?
What's with this sudden question? Wait, is this related to our discussion the other day?
Yes, it is, actually. So, has it ever crossed your mind?
It hasn't. Well, I mean, it has, but...
You'd want Her Highness to be the mother?
Chell, don't say such things out loud! It's not proper.
Even if it's true?
Yes, even if it's- ... How dare you.
Allow me to be frank, but everyone and their mother knows you have feelings for Princess Krista.
Has it been that obvious?
Yes. It has been that obvious for years. Pardon me for being overly critical, but it's to the point where it's almost pitiful.
Your words wound me, Chell. Though, I suppose this is something I needed to hear.
There is more to life than her, you know.
That is easy for you to say. Protecting Her Highness, staying by her side... This life with her is all I've ever known, Chell. I cannot stray from it so easily.
But what if you could? What if one day, you no longer were duty-bound to her?
That's... I can't even begin to imagine such a life.
Maybe you should. There could be a time when she isn't here. You never know what could happen in the future.
A time when she isn't here...
A Support
Forrest? Do you mind if I ask you something?
Go ahead.
Do you think I would make a good mother?
Still on that train of thought? What brought this on specifically?
I was thinking about Lin. I can't help but think I could have done better.
Chell, you're her sister. Not her mother. What more could you have done?
I know, but ever since Mother and Father were gone, I had to be the one there for her. Was I too tough on her? Did I say something wrong? I-
Chell, stop. Don't beat yourself up over this. You tried your best given the circumstances. You were young. And the pain of losing a mother not only affected her, but you as well. You had it just as hard, if not harder than she did. No one should blame you for her leaving. Especially not yourself.
You're a strong woman, Chell. Your future children would be lucky to have a mother like you. And you won't be alone in raising them either. Your future husband would be there by your side.
I... Yes, you're right. Thank you, Forrest.
S Support
Chell, may I speak to you for a moment?
Yes? What is it?
I... Oh, Medea, this is nerve-wracking.
I've never seen you like this before. What's gotten you so nervous?
I just... Allow me to be frank with you. I said before that your future husband would support you in raising a family. When I told you that, I never imagined I would refer to myself.
Wait, what are you trying to say?
I've considered my options, and I believe this path is best for me. You were right. There is more to life than serving Her Highness. Chell, you've opened my eyes to a world I have not seen before, and I will forever be thankful for that. Would you... be willing to expand my world further?
That's... a ring?! Forrest...!
I-Is that a "yes"?
Absolutely! Oh, Forrest, of course I'll marry you.
Chell, I... Please be patient with me on this. This... This is all very new to me.
We're in this together. You said so yourself. I'll support you as long as you do the same for me.
I... Yes. Of course. Thank you.
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C Support
Sam, do you have a moment?
Sure do. What's up?
You've been in Oregot this whole time?
Pretty much.
How did you happen to get the cabin you have?
Shortly after I left, I was recruited by a mercenary company. They helped me, gave me training. We cleared out that cabin when it was being used as a bandit hangout. Eventually, I left them and went solo. I went back to that old cabin, cleaned it up a bit, and just used it as a base of operations, so to speak.
Oh. It's rather large for someone all alone.
Yeah, a little. But there's still too many bandits. Once Oregot is safer, I'll probably settle down with someone, but not yet.
You mean you don't have a girlfriend? Perhaps a pretty girl mercenary?
No, been too busy killing bandits, tracking down the one who killed your parents, and all that.
You... killed that brigand?
Still tracking him down. He's in Oregot, I know that much. I got some of his captains, but not him yet. By the way, how's Lin doing? She'd be part of the pegasus knight unit by now, right?
She left, Sam. She went on her own a few years back.
If Lin has not been recruited:
I haven't heard from her since the goodbye note she left. She said she was going to be a mercenary. I only hope she's still alive and well.
I... I see. But anyway,I'm going to go train want to come?
I would love to. It's been too long.
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C Support
Man, Chell, you're not as frail as other Pegasus riders I've seen. You've got a good bit of bulk on ya!
Oh, um, thank you, Joshua. But, what's with this all of a sudden?
I was wondering if we could do a quick spar. I wanna see just how strong you really are!
I would be glad to.
(Time passes.)
Wow, nimble AND strong. Not bad at all, Chell.
You're not so bad yourself. I'm surprised at how easily you can swing that sword around. Why, it looks more like a slab of metal than an actual blade.
Old Iron is heavy, sure, but these muscles aren't just for show, you know.
Yes. Of course. Right. Ahem. At any rate, how did you come to wield... "Old Iron", was it?
Took a lot of strength training to actually lift up this bad boy. It was my father's sword at first, actually. He said he'd only hand it down to me if I could lift it. You can see how that went.
Oh my. Your father must have also been quite a strong man.
Sure was. Old Iron looked so natural in his hands. He could swing it with ease. Even more than I ever could.
You alright, Chell? You look flushed.
Ah, yes, I'm fine, thank you. Although, could I watch you the next time you train? Seeing you use Old Iron is... enlightening.
Sure! I don't mind at all.
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