Aqua's Supports


C Support
Oh, great Medea, may your golden scales carry the weight of these sins-
(Aqua enters the scene.)
Your Highness?
Aqua! You startled me.
I'm sorry, did I interrupt your prayer? If so, I deeply apologize.
No worries. I was just... doing a daily prayer. Nothing incredibly sacred or anything.
Nonsense! Any communication with your god should be treated with respect. Please, finish your prayer in peace. We can talk later.
Alright. Thanks, Aqua. But really, you don't have anything to apologize for.
I still feel bad about it. Hm... Oh, I have an idea! Why don't we pray together from now on? That way, I won't walk in on you praying again.
Hm... Well, I guess that's fine if you're alright with it.
Perfect! The next time you wish to pray, please let me know.
B Support
Are you ready to begin, Your Highness?
I guess so. How do you suppose we go about this? Being from Foliaga, you worship Folia, right?
Yes, that's right. While I'm used to praying aloud with others when I was with the clergy, I will be alright with us silently praying.
Okay, good. I mean, uh, sure. Fine by me.
Then, let us begin.
(Time passes.)
... Finished?
Yup. ... Hey, Aqua?
What kind of god is Folia like? Just curious.
Ah, the Teal Wyrm Folia... He's a benevolent god, providing bountiful harvests and the beauties of nature to everyone in Foliaga. He treats his followers with love and care, and never turns his back on them, no matter the circumstance.
I see...
And what about Medea? What is he like?
Hardy, all-knowing, and protective of Yondo as a whole. He strives for peace amongst his children and provides guidance to his followers. My family-the royal bloodline-are decsendants of him, you know. We're expected to follow in his footsteps. Be not only a good leader to those in Medeas, but to all of Yondo as well. Considering everything, I wonder if I... S-Sorry, Aqua, I started to ramble a bit there, huh?
No need to apologize, Your Highness. It was interesting to learn about Medea, especially when you have such a close connection to him. And if you don't mind me saying, I think you live up to be as good of a leader as Medea expects you to be.
I wonder...
A Support
... I'm done. You good, Aqua?
Yes. I'm glad we can do this together, Your Highness. Despite us worshipping different gods, I found this to be a pleasant experience.
Honestly, I agree. This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
What do you mean?
I wasn't completely honest with you the other day, Aqua. When you walked in on me praying, I wasn't reciting a traditional daily prayer. I was asking Medea for forgiveness.
If past a certain point in Act 3: Show
I've been asking for forgiveness every day for the past year for... Ervan.
I have been asking for forgiveness every day for the past year for something... I'm not really proud of.
Oh my... I'm so sorry. If I knew, I-
Like I said, don't worry about it. Praying together like this, and when we talked about our gods... It all really put me at ease, you know.
Yeah. For the past year, I always wondered if Medea would ever forgive me. If I was deserving of his forgiveness. But I then I thought about what you said. How Folia always puts his children first and wants the best for them. All the Great Beasts are siblings, so I'm sure Folia's and Medeas' kindness must have come from somewhere, right?
Absolutely. And even if Medea doesn't find it in his heart to forgive you, I will.
If past a certain point in Act 3: Show
You've done enough to prove you deserve forgiveness. And even then, I'd still forgive you.
We're friends after all.
Thanks, Aqua. I really appreciate that.
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C Support
How're you holding up, Aqua?
I'm doing well. Thank you for asking.
All this time tagging along with the princess hasn't taken a toll on you, has it?
No, not at all.
You sure? You've been running across the battlefield left and right tending to everyone's wounds. Isn't that tiring you out?
Semi, I assure you I'm fine! ... Was us being captured by those bandits still on your mind?
Oh, Semi... You don't have to worry so much about me. I know things have been hectic, but now we have Her Highness and the Medean royal army by our side! They can protect us.
Hmph. I trust these guys as far as I can throw 'em. Besides, even if I did actually trust them, it still wouldn't matter.
What do you mean?
I'll be the one to protect you, Aqua. Always. That's how it's always been.
You know that's not true-
It might as well have been.
I'm gonna do what Azure didn't do for years, Aqua. I don't care what his reasons were for leaving. He still left, and that's all that matters. I'll be there for you.
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C Support
Hi! You're Aqua, right?
Yes, that's me. Who are you?
I'm Lucy, a healer for the Medean royal army. Well, healer in training, I mean. My mother was the healer for the royal army, but since she's sick I'm trying to fill in for her until she recovers.
Oh, I see! I happen to be a cleric of Vergrande Monastery in Foliaga.
That's so cool! So, we're both healers, then. We should be friends!
It would be nice to have another friend, Lucy.
By the way, that's a really nice staff. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before.
Oh, thank you. Sam let us have it on our way back from Oregot. It feels more powerful than the staves I normally use. It can heal others from a good distance away.
That's amazing! Can I give it a try?
I don't see why not. Let's go to the infirmary and try it out.
(Scene transitions to the Medea Castle infirmary.)
Oh, Lucy! Did you need something?
Hello, Miss Joan. I just wanted to try out this new staff. Is there anyone who needs help right now?
Why, Brennan here happened to come in with a sprained wrist earlier. I'm sure he'd appreciate the assistance.
Okay! Here we go! ...
Um. Wait, let me try again. ...
Lucy, are you sure that staff works?
I'm sure it does! I've seen Aqua use it all the time. Here, Aqua, show her.
(The staff activates.)
Ah, I feel so much better. Thank you!
Thank you very much for your help, you two.
Yes, of course.
(Scene transitions to outside the infirmary.)
That's so strange...
You can say that again. Looks like we've got a mystery on our hands, Aqua. Let's figure out what's with that staff!
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C Support
And may the Great Folia bless those who walked this path on days gone by, and through time forever passing.
Oh, Michael! I didn't realize you were standing there. If you wanted to pray alongside me, you could have asked.
It's okay, Aqua. I just... Well, uh, it's not like I didn't want to pray, but... I wanted to ask you something.
What is it?
Please don't be offended, but how can you keep worshipping the Great Folia like this?
I'm sorry! That was really rude, wasn't it?
You know what, I'll just go. Sorry!
(Michael leaves the scene.)
W-Wait! ... Just what did the Holy Knights do to you, Michael?
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