Alex's Supports


C Support
Ah, there you are Taylor. Training again, I see.
Alex, hey! Need me for something?
Yes, actually. I have something I wish to discuss with you.
I'm all ears.
It seems all you do is train. Don't you have anything else you do during your free time?
Uh, I go to the tavern?
I am well aware of that.
Speaking of which, wanna grab a drink after I'm done with training for the day? My treat!
No. I do not want a repeat of last time.
Oh, come on! I'll limit myself to three mugs of ale this time!
Taylor- Never mind. We're getting off topic. You may be physically strong, but you need to be mentally strong too. That's why I'll lend you this.
A book?
Yes. Luckily for you, I picked something I think you'll enjoy: "The Trials of Sir Aaron". The battle scenes are quite exhilerating, and the main character is a noble, brave warrior. Much like you, in a way.
Heh. Flattery will get you nowhere, Alex. Still, I'll give this whole "reading" thing a go. You obviously put a lot of thought into this. I'd hate to disappoint my best friend.
Thank you, Taylor. Let me know what you think of it when you're done.
B Support
Hey, Alex, about that book you lent me...
Oh, you finished it? What did you think?
I'm gonna be blunt here: Terrible.
Really? Why do you say that?
You know that part when Aaron was going one-on-one against that general? That was the worst display of swordsmanship I've ever seen! ... Read. Whatever.
I thought it was a heart-racing moment. His sword pierced right through his armor, and he took him down in one blow!
Yeah, but piercing through PLATE? That stuff's thick! There's no way Aaron's blade could've done that. And stuff like that keeps happening over and over through the entire book!
There's this thing called "suspension of disbelief", you know.
Well, my disbelief is far from suspended. Anyway, here. You can have your book back.
Thank you. *sigh* I suppose I will have to re-think my approach...
(Alex leaves.)
I don't get what the big deal is. Why would I read about fighting when I do it all the time? Hm? Looks like she forgot one of her books. Let's see... "Tryst by Moonlight". Wonder what this is about?
A Support
Taylor, I seem to have misplaced one of my books. It's called "Tryst by Moonlight". Have you seen it?
Oh yeah! You dropped it the other day. Here you go.
What a relief! I thought I would never find it again. Thank you, Taylor. This is one of my favorites.
I can see why. It's pretty good!
Wait, you read it?
And finished it!
Is that so? What did you think of it?
The relationship between Percy and Lana is sweet, if a little tragic. All that hardship, just for Percy to die at the end... Poor Lana. Gotta admit, I teared up.
Huh. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I would have never thought you'd be a romantic, Taylor.
Me neither! So, you got more stuff like that?
I do. Would you like something bittersweet again or something more lighthearted?
Something lighthearted this time. I don't feel like crying over a book again. Maybe some other time.
Haha! I'll see what I have, then.
S Support
Oh, Alex. Here's "Passing Ships in the Night" back.
Ah, thank you, Taylor. Did you like it?
Yeah, not bad. Thanks for all the book recommendations, by the way. I've been liking all of them!
You're welcome. I'm glad.
Speaking of which, I stopped by the marketplace and got you something.
A book for me? Hm... It has no title.
I know. You gotta open it up.
Let's see... Wait, it's a fake book? W-With a ring inside? Taylor, are you...?
"I bestow upon thee this ring unto thine finger. Like the blade clasped in my right hand and the shield in my left, may this ring be a symbol of my undying oath to protect and serve you, my beloved."
You memorized Percy's proposal to Lana? Just for me?
Yeah. That's not too lame, is it?
No, not at all. It's... really sweet, actually.
So, what do you say, Alex? Will you marry me?
Yes, of course, Taylor! I wouldn't have it any other way.
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C Support
(Lucy enters the scene.)
Wow, it smells really good here. Oh, Miss Alex! What are you up to?
Hello, Lucy. Just brewing some tea. Would you like some?
Yes, please!
Here you go. Be careful. It's hot.
Thank you very much.
(Lucy takes a sip.)
This is really good! What kind of tea is it?
It's a blend of chamomile and lavender. I've read that both are good for sleep and relaxation.
That's amazing! Tea can do that?
Yes, to some extent. It can't replace eating well and taking care of your body, but it can help. If you'd like, I could lend you my book on different teas. You seem quite interested.
That would be great! Thank you very much, Miss Alex!
Of course. If you happen to come across a tea that you might like, let me know. I'll see if I can brew it for you.
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C Support
How did I end up with all these books? I'm usually more responsible with my spending.
Yoo-hoo! Alex! You out on a shopping spree too?
Huh? Who? Oh, Ecco. Hi. And, well, no. ... Yes? *sigh* I meant to only get one or two books, and next thing I know, I have a whole bookcase worth.
Oh, is that all? We are going to be best friends. I can feel it. Anyway, you need to relax. There's nothing wrong with a little impromptu, impulsive shopping.
You call this "a little"?
Eh, I wouldn't worry about it. Who's going to get hurt by it? By the way, there's this new pastry shop that opened. You have to try it. They have all kinds of sweets. And coffee too! Oh! And they have this new drink! A pumpkin spice latte! Mmm~ You gotta try it!
I've already spent so much. I really shouldn't.
You gotta live a little, good grief! C'mon, it'll be fun.
Well, I suppose a little taste couldn't hurt.
That's the spirit! And after this, let's go get some ice cream and we can complain about stupid exes.
I haven't even dated to begin with.
Irrelevant! Come on!
(Ecco leaves the scene.)
Does she ever slow down?
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C Support
Oh, hello, Alex. I didn't know you liked to read or were a tea drinker. Mind if I join you?
Not at all. Actually, I do need someone to converse with. Please take a seat and let me pour you a cup of tea.
Why, thank you.
(Marina takes a seat.)
Now, what is on your mind?
Someday I would like to find my own white knight who could protect my honor.
There is something appealing about a dashing champion, isn't there? However, I'm afraid that while there are good men in the world, there isn't a Mr. Perfect.
Oh, I know that. Everyone's human. That's not quite the dilemma.
What is it then, dear? You look like something is troubling you.
It's... It's me. I worry that an eligible and reputable man would find me lacking. You, though, probably have many suitors.
While it is true that there are many who like the idea of being with me, it isn't Marina they want to be with. It's MARINA they want.
I don't understand.
They don't want me, Alex. They want the woman they see on the posters. They want the woman they see on the stage. They want THAT Marina. And, of course, there are those who just want their base desires met.
I didn't mean to complain.
I know, dear. I wasn't suggesting you were. I only meant that you don't have to worry about people falling over each other for an IDEA of you. They will want you for you.
Want me for me?
You may not have what some call "the perfect body", but you have your own appeal. There's something to be said about a moderate woman.
I never considered that.
You also don't need to worry about people liking you for your title, unlike Her Highness. I feel bad for her sometimes. I'm sure she has suitors crawling at her feet for her just because she's Medeas' princess. Reminds me of when I was younger when some only liked me for the fame I could bring them.
But still... How to phrase this... While I'm not looking for a Prince Charming, I'm looking for someone I can fall in love with. Someone to marry and look after. And he would look after me in return. However, I wonder if I would even catch someone's eye.
Alex. You have more going for you than you realize. While you are mature enough to understand there is no Prince Charming, you shouldn't worry about being the perfect girl either. There are still men who don't care about perfect. They just want a loving wife. Sadly, being a dancer makes finding such a man difficult for me. But they do exist.
I see. Thank you, Marina.
No, thank YOU, Alex. It was a lovely talk. And thank you for the tea. Oh, if you have any book recommendations, I would love to hear them. I just finished this. Next time we talk, you can share your recommendations.
Until next time, dear.
(Marina leaves the scene.)
I wonder what book this is? Hmm, "Heavenly Desires"? I haven't heard of this one before. Maybe it can give me an idea of what kinds of books she likes. ... Oh. ... Oh my. ... Oh, it went THERE already? I haven't even finished the first chapter yet.
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C Support
Hello, Joshua. I didn't expect to see you here in the library.
Hey there Alex. Figured I'd unwind after training by doing some reading.
I never would have figured you for a reader Joshua. You come off as more... abrasive, honestly.
If Taylor is still alive:
A lot like Taylor, actually. And getting HIM to read anything is like getting a child to eat their greens.
You gotta keep your mind sharp if you want to survive in the arena. Both mind and body need to be strong.
I can agree with that sentiment. Though, I fear it's my mind that's more strong than my body.
Don't sell yourself short, Alex. You strike me as a strong, capable woman. However, if you want some help, these books might do the trick. I'll leave them with you.
Why, thank you, Joshua.
No problem. I'll catch you later. Reading makes me hungry.
(Joshua leaves the scene.)
What a strange man. What are these books? "10 Lifts for Life", "Meat Makes Muscle", and "Train Like a Champion, Be a Champion"... These aren't something I normally read, but they seem interesting.
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