
Age: 23
Nationality: ??
Gender: Male
Chapter Recruited: Ch 7x: Merchants Abroad or Ch 17x: Trade Route Troubles

Base Stats and Growths

Ch 7x: Merchants Abroad
Class Ballistician
Bases Lv 10
HP Str Mag Skl Spd
24 12 0 15 6
Luk Def Res Con Mov
9 14 10 9 4
Ch 17x: Trade Route Troubles
Class Artillerist
Bases Lv 1
HP Str Mag Skl Spd
34 21 0 22 11
Luk Def Res Con Mov
16 23 16 12 5
HP Str Mag Skl Spd
75% 60% 0% 70% 35%
Luk Def Res Con
45% 70% 45% 20%

Other Stats

Personal Skill: Immobilize
When activated, inflicts Hit -10 onto the unit and stuns the target on hit for one turn.

Weapon Rank(s):
Bows (D) (Ch 7x: Merchants Abroad), Bows (C) (Ch 17x: Trade Route Troubles)


Other Info and Trivia

Portrait by: knabepicer

OC Counterpart: N/A (Character originally created by Intelligent Systems)