
Age: 20
Nationality: Leonster/Grannvalean
Gender: Female
Chapter Recruited: Ch 17: Wyverns on the Archipelago

Base Stats and Growths

Class Wyvern Lord
Bases Lv 1
HP Str Mag Skl Spd
49 37 14 18 30
Luk Def Res Con Mov
15 40 12 8 8
HP Str Mag Skl
85% 45% 5% 35%
Spd Luk Def Res
45% 25% 40% 20%

Other Stats

Personal Skill: Holy Blood
Grants Crit +20. Proc. Skl/2%: Allows unit to perform two consecutive attacks.

Weapon Rank(s):
Sword (C), Lance (A), Axe (D)


Other Info and Trivia

Portrait by: Melia

OC Counterpart: N/A (Character originally created by Intelligent Systems)